Hi, I’m Claire
I started LUNA Physiotherapy in 2020 as a small clinic and movement studio, with the goal of helping Women and Girls to heal, strengthen and thrive.
But LUNA has a life and soul of her own and, like my therapeutic practice, she continues to evolve!
Holistic Physiotherapy at LUNA
LUNA Online
Workshops & Retreats
Visit me at LUNA if you’re:
Interested in a Holistic Approach to your Wellbeing
Dealing with pain in a particular region of your body
Experiencing limited movement or physical function
In need of specific exercises to help you get stronger, move better, or overcome particular health-related challenges
Living with Pelvic Health issues like pain, incontinence, or prolapse
Looking for care in your Pregnancy or Postpartum
Experiencing the changes of Peri- or Post-Menopause
Planning for or recovering from surgery or an injury
Seeking knowledge about your Menstrual Cycle or Sexual Health
Curiosity, Creativity and Compassion are the drivers for my work at LUNA.
I want to understand your story, and help you develop tools to examine and shape your own recovery to joyful movement.
I aim to observe with compassion how both the life of your physical body, and patterns of emotion, thinking and behaviour may contribute to where you are and where you want to go.
Physiotherapy is just one possible ‘lens’ through which to view bodies, injuries, pain and recovery.
I am an open-minded person with a keen sensitivity for the more subtle elements of the human experience. My therapeutic practice is reflective of this - but my Physiotherapy training and experience will always form a strong foundation of person-centred, rigorous and ethical standards of care.
My professional development of the last 10+ years has included:
Somatic Healing (2024 student at the Somatic Institute for Women)
Lifestyle and Wellness Coaching
Holistic Postpartum Care and Visceral Manipulation
Myofascial Cupping and Dry Needling
Connect Therapy/Integrated Systems Model
Muscle Energy Techniques
Integrative Pelvic Care
Clinical Pilates (Mat and Reformer)
Yoga Therapy and Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training
Natural Movement and Functional Strength Training
Female Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Menstrual Cycle Awareness
Women’s Wisdom Practices
Experiential learning in Nature Connection