Bladder or Bowel Incontinence
There are many reasons why women experience difficulty with bladder or bowel function. Athletes, women who are pregnant or postnatal, women going through menopause, and women who have underlying health conditions may be at higher risk.
Pelvic Physiotherapy is a proven intervention to help decrease or eliminate your symptoms, as well as decrease the emotional distress and life impact of incontinence.
Some of the issues we commonly treat include:
Involuntary leakage of urine, wind or stools at any time - with urgency or during physical activity
Trouble emptying bladder or bowel or leakage on the way or soon after using the toilet
Pain or other problems associated with underlying health conditions like recurrent urinary tract infections or irritable bowel syndrome
Following a detailed assessment, your physiotherapist may offer treatments such as:
Individualised education and advice to ensure that you understand what is causing your symptoms and how you can make helpful adjustments to relevant behaviour and lifestyle choices
Pelvic floor exercise, muscle releases, and progressive pelvic floor muscle training so you can use this critical muscle group in an optimal way
Prescription of training devices like neuromuscular electrical stimulation, vaginal weights, or vaginal support pessary
Whole-body strategies to balance the load more evenly and take the strain off your bladder and bowel function
Mindfulness and breathing techniques to help with the emotional load of having incontinence or other distressing symptoms
Pre- and post-operative management of scar tissue and pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation around, for example, prolapse repair surgery
Claire is a highly professional and sensitive physiotherapist who has worked and trained extensively in women’s health.